
The Globus Automate SDK and Globus Automate CLI are deprecated.

The Globus SDK and Globus CLI have integrated their functionality and are able to interact with other Globus services, as well.

It is strongly recommended that new projects use the Globus SDK and Globus CLI, and that existing projects begin migrating to the Globus SDK and Globus CLI.

Migration to globus-sdk and globus-cli#

The Globus Automate Client is deprecated. All functionality is now available in globus-sdk and globus-cli.

This document covers how usages and commands from Globus Automate Client can be converted to use the new tools.

Translation Tables#

These tables provide summary information on how commands can be translated.

CLI Translation#

In several cases, multiple commands translate to one command or one command translates to one command.

In particular, the globus-automate CLI has a number of redundancies and aliases, which are replaced with singular commands in globus-cli.

Additionally, several commands from the globus-automate CLI are mapped to “N/A”, meaning they have no new equivalents. These commands refer to fully deprecated functionality or functionality which is now provided in a completely different way – for example, globus-automate flow lint provided logic which is now incorporated into the Globus Flows service as part of flow creation.

Old Command(s)

New Command(s)

globus-automate queues


globus-automate action


globus-automate session

globus login

globus logout

globus whoami

globus session

globus-automate flow action-cancel

globus-automate flow run-cancel

globus flows run cancel

globus-automate flow action-enumerate

globus-automate flow action-list

globus-automate flow run-enumerate

globus-automate flow run-list

globus flows run list

globus-automate flow action-log

globus-automate flow run-log

globus flows run show-logs

globus-automate flow action-release

globus-automate flow run-release

globus flows run delete

globus-automate flow action-resume

globus-automate flow run-resume

globus flows run resume

globus-automate flow action-status

globus-automate flow run-status

globus flows run show

globus-automate flow action-update

globus-automate flow run-update

globus flows run update

globus-automate flow batch-run-update


globus-automate flow delete

globus flows delete

globus-automate flow deploy

globus flows create

globus-automate flow display


globus-automate flow get

globus flows show

globus-automate flow lint


globus-automate flow list

globus flows list

globus-automate flow run

globus flows start

globus-automate flow run-definition

globus flows run show-definition

globus-automate flow update

globus flows update

SDK Translation#

The Globus Automate Client’s functionality as a Python library is primarily provided by the following four components, which map onto different components in the Globus SDK:

globus_automate_client Component

globus_sdk Component










NativeAppAuthClient or ConfidentialAppAuthClient

FlowsClient or SpecificFlowClient

The ActionClient is effectively removed, and the FlowsClient is split in two.

For details on how create_flows_client has been replaced, see the section below on this topic.

In addition to the high-level component mapping, it’s valuable to enumerate the mapping of methods for the FlowsClient.

globus_automate_client.FlowsClient Method

globus_sdk Method































SpecificFlowClient.scopes *





Converting YAML to JSON#

In the Globus Automate Client, users were allowed to use YAML files to define their flows. However, the Flows service only accepts JSON data, and YAML was being converted to JSON by the client.

Unfortunately, the YAML language specification contains ambiguities, and different parsers may treat identical documents differently. globus-cli and globus-sdk do not support YAML parsing, but it is possible to convert YAML to JSON using a variety of tools. This approach ensures that Globus provided software operates consistently, and allows users to continue using YAML or to move off of it, as they prefer.

In this section, we will cover two popular tools for converting YAML to JSON, yq (written in Go) and remarshal (written in Python). We will also cover one Python library, pyyaml, which can be used to load YAML data and pass it to the globus-sdk. Various other tools provide similar functionality in other languages, and there are alternative parsers available in Python.


The remarshal project provides a wide range of commands for converting data between different formats, including YAML and JSON.

These commands exist for the sole purpose of converting data between formats, and are therefore a perfect fit for our use-case.

As remarshal is a Python CLI, installation should be performed with pipx, as with the globus-cli. For full instructions, follow remarshal’s installation documentation.


Of the many commands provided by remarshal, the one we want is simply yaml2json. After installing, all that is needed is to run:

$ yaml2json foo.yaml foo.json


The yq tool is a CLI utility similar to the popular jq command. It provides a wide variety of commands for manipulating and extracting data from YAML documents.

yq’s installation instructions cover installation.


In order to convert a flow from YAML to JSON using yq, all that is needed is a command which loads the YAML document and then outputs it as JSON.

$ yq -o=json foo.yaml > foo.json


Unlike the previous two tools, pyyaml is a Python library, not a CLI.

If you have a YAML flow definition and want to use it with the globus-sdk, you must parse it from YAML yourself and provide it as a dictionary.


pyyaml can be installed with pip install pyyaml.


pyyaml provides the yaml package. To parse a YAML file, foo.yaml, into a Python data structure, import it and use the safe_load function:

import yaml

with open("foo.yaml") as fp:
    data = yaml.safe_load(fp)


Updating Command Line Usages#

The table above shows the mapping between the old globus-automate CLI commands and the new globus-cli commands.

This section provides more detailed guidance for converting commands between the two, for commands and usages where the mapping is non-obvious.

Required Options vs Positional Arguments#

In general, the globus CLI uses positional arguments for all required data, whereas the globus-automate CLI used required options in some cases.

The conversion is typically straightforward, requiring first that you read the globus CLI helptext and then order arguments appropriately if necessary.

For example, globus-automate flow deploy has been replaced with globus flows create. Starting from an original command like so:

$ globus-automate flow deploy --input-schema '{}' --title foo --definition foo.json

The first step is to determine which CLI options are required and in what order. Run globus flows create --help to see the help text:

$ globus flows create --help
Usage: globus flows create [OPTIONS] TITLE DEFINITION

  Create a new flow.

# more text follows

With this information, we can see that TITLE is the first positional argument and DEFINITION is the second. --input-schema is still an option.

The final command is therefore:

globus flows create foo foo.json --input-schema '{}'

Pagination Options#

A number of globus-automate commands provide options for paging through data, typically --marker and --per-page. In the globus CLI, these options are replaced with a single option --limit, which controls the total number of results returned.

Under globus-automate, users had precise control over pagination, while under the globus CLI all pagination is implicitly handled for the user.

The two implementations trade off between simplicity for users versus fine-grained control, and are not fully translatable. For users, simply note that --marker and -per-page are no longer available as options, but that users relying on these options should now have their use-cases covered by the implicit pagination of the globus-cli commands.


Under the globus-automate CLI several commands took a --flow-scope option to control internal behaviors.

This option is no longer needed, as the globus CLI will automatically handle the cases which this option covered.

run-log --watch#

globus-automate flow run-log --watch allowed a user to tail logs from the service by polling.

globus flows run show-logs does not support this behavior.

run-resume Options#

globus-automate flow run-resume accepted two options which are not present in the globus CLI.

One option is --watch, which is identical to the run-status --watch flag. See the documentation below on run-status --watch for details on how to achieve the same result with globus flows run show. globus flows run resume does not provide any built-in behavior for polling.

globus-automate flow run-resume also supported an option, --query-for-inactive-reason/--no-query-for-inactive-reason. This behavior is now built into globus flows run resume and users do not need to explicitly specify how to handle inactive runs.

run-status --watch#

The globus-automate flow run-status --watch flag polled on the run until it completed. This same behavior can be achieved by running globus flows run show in a loop.

For example, it can be scripted like so:


echo "Poll until '$RUN_ID' terminates"

until [ "$NUM_TRIES" -eq 0 ]; do
  status="$(globus flows run show "$RUN_ID" --jmespath "status" --format unix)"
  case "$status" in
      echo "succeeded"
      exit 0
      echo "failed"
      exit 1
      NUM_TRIES=$((NUM_TRIES - 1))
      sleep 30

echo "Run '$RUN_ID' did not terminate after 10 tries"
exit 3

globus-automate flow run --watch#

This --watch flag is another instance of the same behavior described above. Users needing to poll on run status can use globus flows run show as in the preceding example.

SDK Migration and create_flows_client#

The create_flows_client helper has no singular replacement.

Instead, users should expect to write a small block of code to correctly authenticate and pass the resulting authorizer to the matching client class. See the globus-sdk example usage for an example of how to do this.

Why was this removed?#

The create_flows_client helper attempts to consolidate functionality across a disparate set of concerns. However, implementers attempting to build applications on top of the Globus Flows API need finer-grained control than could be provided through this interface. This removal reflects the same restructuring of client code which separates the FlowsClient and SpecificFlowClient classes, as these two classes represent different authentication contexts.

There are also more minor issues which were obscured by the helper. For example, globus-automate-client included its own client, meaning that all users using the create_flows_client helper were authenticating against a singular client application. Under the globus-sdk, users are expected to create their own client, allowing them to set Globus Auth fields for that client for terms and conditions, login policy, and other features.

The design of the globus-sdk tends towards fewer holistic helpers and more pluggable components. This means that although tokenstorage is described as a replacement for create_flows_client, it only covers a very specific subset of the functionality.


scopes is an instance attribute of SpecificFlowClient, so usage is slightly different from a method, but the information provided is the same.